If re-elcted, Ford Government will cut gas tax first July

Toronto- CanadiaNews – Hawa Toronto

As the Victoria Day long weekend approaches, drivers in Northern Ontario are bracing for record gas prices. To keep costs down for drivers, a re-elected PC government will provide significant relief at the pumps by cutting the gas tax by another 5.7 cents per litre for six months beginning July 1, 2022.

Instead of putting more money back in drivers’ pockets, Andrea Horwath and the NDP are promising to jack up the price of gas by cancelling the Ontario PC gas tax cut.

“Anyone who understands Northern Ontario knows that cars are not a luxury, they are a necessity to get around,” said Vic Fedeli, Ontario PC candidate for Nipissing. “Andrea Horwath and the NDP want to make life even more expensive for northern drivers by hiking gas taxes. Only Doug Ford and the Ontario PCs have a real plan to keep costs down for northern drivers by reducing the cost of fuel and gas.”

As part of the Ontario PCs plan to keep costs down for families and businesses, the gas tax will be temporarily reduced from 14.7 cents per litre to 9 cents per litre, representing a cut of 5.7 cents per litre. The fuel tax rate, which includes diesel, is being temporarily reduced from 14.3 cents per litre to 9 cents per litre, representing a cut of 5.3 cents per litre.

Combined with the 4.3 cent per litre cut from when the PC government scrapped the Wynne-Del Duca cap and trade carbon tax, a re-elected PC government is reducing taxes and charges on gas by 10 cents per litre.

“Andrea Horwath and the NDP want to continue jacking up the price of gasoline with even higher cap-and-trade carbon taxes that take money out of northerners’ pockets,” added Vic Fedeli. “Not only will the NDP’s policies make gas more expensive, high-ranking NDP members have campaigned on increasing gas prices by another 35 cents per litre on top of the current cost. When it comes to new taxes and increased gas costs, Andrea Horwath and the NDP can’t be trusted.” By eliminating licence plate sticker fees and cutting the gas tax, only Doug Ford and the Ontario PCs will keep costs down for families and drivers.


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