وزارة الهجرة تدعو الجميع إلى إبداء آرائهم حول مكافحة التمييز العنصري
My Second Home – CanadiaNews – Toronto
The Ontario government is seeking input from the community as it launches a review of the province’s Anti-Racism Strategic Plan. The consultations will help inform programs supporting public education and awareness, community collaboration, and anti-racism initiatives like the Anti-Black Racism Strategy and the development of an Indigenous-focused strategy.
“As our economy continues to grow stronger, our government is committed to ensuring that all Ontarians can benefit from equal access to opportunity, and I look forward to hearing from the public on ways we can empower communities and advance racial equity in this province,” said Parm Gill, Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism, responsible for the Anti-Racism Directorate. “Through this consultation and review we will continue to identify and deliver initiatives that help remove barriers and promote economic inclusion, so all children, youth and families in Ontario are able to reach their full potential.
”The review of Ontario’s Anti-Racism Strategic Plan is a legislative requirement under the Anti-Racism Act, 2017 and ensures the province continues to uphold its commitment to target systemic racism and advance racial equity for Indigenous, Black, Muslim, Jewish, Asian and other racialized populations, and is responsive to emerging priorities.
Public and community-led engagements will inform the renewal of a whole-of-government approach that builds on existing initiatives to fight racism in the government, eliminate violence and hate, and empower communities, youth, and families.