The Queen is in GOOD health الملكة بصحة جيدة
قال قصر باكنجهام الملكي إن الملكة إليزابيب الثانية ملكة بريطانيا ( وكندا) تتمتع بصحة جيدة ونفى ما تناقلته بعض وسائل الإعلام من شائعات حول إصابة الملكة بفيروس كورونا
يبدو أن هذه الشائعات ترددت عقب الاجتماع الذي أجرته الملكة مع رئيس وزرائها والذي أعلن بنفسه أن تحاليله جائت إيجابية ليدخل في عزل اختياري ولازال على يمارس عمله من العزل
Buckingham Palace issued a statement confirming that the British monarch met with her Prime Minister on March 11, but that she “remains in good health.” It is unclear if she has been tested for COVID-19 at this point. Read the full statement here:
“HMQ remains in good health. The Queen last saw the PM on the 11th March and is following all the appropriate advice with regards to her welfare. We will not be commenting further.”
A similar statement was released about the Queen’s health following the announcement on Wednesday that her son Prince Charles had tested positive for the novel coronavirus. She last interacted with Prince Charles on March 12.
Both the Queen and Prince Philip are currently at Windsor Castle. On Wednesday, she and the Prime Minister held their weekly audience, but by telephone.