Khaled Salama – CanadiaNews – Mississauga

The Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee (MCAC) invites Mississauga residents to submit their nominations for the Phil Green Award. The award is an opportunity to recognize someone who’s made an outstanding effort to promote cycling as a safe, enjoyable and sustainable mode of transportation. 

The Phil Green Award is presented by MCAC annually. The award continues to honour Mississauga resident, Phil Green, who was a founding MCAC member and worked diligently to promote safe cycling in Mississauga.

See the nomination form for full eligibility details.                       

The deadline to submit your nomination is Tuesday, November 30, 2021.

You can submit your nomination form to using the online form. MCAC will review the nominations and will select the winning resident or group.

Is there an inspirational cyclist or group in your community that encouraged others to ride their bike or advocated for cycling programs or infrastructure this year?

The winner will be announced and recognized at a City Council meeting in early 2022. For more information about the Phil Green Award and to access the nomination form, visit

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