Annual Festival of Arabic Music and Arts kicks-Off November19

CabadiaNews – My Second Home TV – Mississauga

The Canadian Arabic Orchestra presents their fifth annual Festival of Arabic Music
and Arts (FAMA) from November 19th to December 5th 2021, in a variety of venues
across the Greater Toronto Area. FAMA is a diverse music and artsfestival with
well known Arab and Canadian artists coming together for 2 weeksto celebrate the
cultural diversity of our country and to communicate a message of shared, yet
personal human experiences.

After nearly two years of virtual activities, the Canadian Arabic Orchestra brings
live in person performances to audiences with a rich repertoire for FAMA2021,
opening at the Hammerson Hall on November 19th with a performance by 50
members of the Canadian Arabic Orchestra and Choir.

November 19th, Hammerson Hall at the Living Arts Centre
Black and White: launching the Festival of Arabic Music and Arts with music and
song from La Belle Epoque of Arabic cinema that predated colour movies. This
Canadian Arabic Orchestra production will take you back in time with Farid, Abdel
Halim, Abdel Wahab, Sabah, Fairuz, Leila Murad, Asmahan and Shadia when these
giants starred in black and white films in the first half of last century.

November 20th, Online Concert
Checkpoint Hamdi : Baligh Hamdi (1932 -1999) a genius, lightyears ahead of his
peers, composed and arranged some of the best known tunes of our times for
countless icons from Um Kulthoum and Halim to Warda, and almost everyone in
between. Magical tunes brought to life by one of Egypt’s modern day icons Marwa
Nagi and her distinctive, powerful sweet voice.

November 21st, RBC Theatre at the Living Arts Centre
CAYO : The Canadian Arabic Youth Orchestra take the stage with their instructors
to accompany vocalists from the Canadian Arabic Choir, performing some of the
most popular tunes in a family event where everyone can sing along.

November 26th, RBC Theatre at the Living Arts Centre
Ensemble Zaman : Led by Montreal based Lamia Yared, singer and oud player of
Classical Arabic and Ottoman music, on a journey from the Byzantine Empire, with
stops at different moments in time, from Syria, when the first Christians in the East
sang their songs, to Constantinople for its Phanariot Greek hymns and chants, to the
classical Ottoman songs. A wonderful voyage in sound through these neighbouring
regions that have given rise to musical traditions as rich as they are varied.

November 27th, RBC Theatre at the Living Arts Centre
Ornina : the first female singer in recorded history, this temple of Ishtar singer
travels through time from the ancient kingdom of Mari to light up the stage in an all
female concert showcasing compositions by some of the most celebrated Arab
women musicians. The concert will be followed by a Q&A session

November 28th, RBC Theatre at the Living Arts Centre
Iraq Immortal : Iraqi maqams are a world of their own, like no other Arabic music,
they transport you in a trance to Babylon; to the land of Dijla and Furat. The
Canadian Arabic Orchestra again brings you the best of Iraq’s rich music and culture
presented authentically by Iraqi musicians and vocalists

December 3rd, Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts

Roots of String : Oud aficionado Nazih Borish in a dazzling instrumental
performance of Arabic string music with varied cultural influences from his life and
times in Quebec

December 4th, Bluma Appel, St Lawrence Centre for the Arts
Opera Arabia: George Bizet’s Carmen meets Leila Murad and Asmahan in a fusion
of one of the best known Western operas with the best of early 20th century operatic
Arabic music. The celebrated Lebanese Canadian mezzo soprano Julie Nesrallah,
recipient of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal, will dazzle you with a first of its
kind performance

December 5th, Bluma Appel, St Lawrence Centre for the Arts
Silk Road: a journey along this old world’s vital trade route presenting local artists
from various backgrounds and their unique instruments and music who come
together on stage to celebrate the culture and music of many nations along the
ancient silk road.

For concert times and any updates to the program, and information on the Canadian
Arabic Orchestra, please visit
For more information: Contact: CAO Public Relations 647-


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