Ontario Supports Tourism, Culture, Sport and Recreation Organizations

The Ontario government is investing $105 million through the new Community
Building Fund to support non-profit tourism, culture, sport and recreation organizations. The funding
will be used to help these non-profits recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and meet
the needs of their communities.
Details were provided today by Lisa MacLeod, Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture
“Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, our government has been fulfilling a commitment
to be there to support those struggling the most,” said Minister MacLeod. “Today’s investment is a
critical part of our plan to support the economic and social recovery of communities across Ontario.
The Community Building Fund is helping organizations whose programs and services enhance the
quality of life for Ontarians and support local jobs across the province.”
The fund will be administered by the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) through two program
• The $55-million operating funding stream will provide community non-profits with the support
they need to help sustain their operations and create new experiences and events – such as
trail systems, heritage attractions, winter activities and local sport and recreation programming
– that are critical to the economic and social well-being of their communities.
• The $50-million capital funding stream will go to municipalities and non-profit organizations to
carry out sport- and recreation-facility infrastructure repairs, including retrofits and
rehabilitation to meet COVID-19 public health protocol requirements and local community

New grant program will help those who are struggling during COVID-19

New grant program will help those who are struggling during COVID-19
“OTF is proud to be delivering the Community Building Fund on behalf of the Ontario government
and actively participate in our province’s recovery,” said Katharine Bambrick, CEO, Ontario Trillium
Foundation. “This is critical new funding for organizations that will help re-invigorate communities
across Ontario.”
The operating stream of the Community Building Fund will open for applications on March 31, 2021,
while the fund’s capital stream will open later in 2021.
This initiative is part of the 2020 Budget, Ontario’s Action Plan: Protect, Support, Recover. The
government will be tabling budget 2021 on March 24th and it will focus on protecting people’s health
and protecting the economy. QUICK FACTS
▪ Arts and culture, heritage, tourism, sport and recreation non-profit organizat


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